Liquor Liability Insurance

Have Peace of Mind with Liquor Liability Insurance

What is liquor liability insurance?

Nothing ruins a great party faster than the misuse or abuse of alcohol. If intoxication leads to injuries or property damage, the establishment that served the alcohol is liable. Liquor liability insurance protects the establishment serving the alcohol against claims that could arise from someone overdoing it and creating havoc. Liquor liability insurance policy would help cover the legal costs, court fees, and any civil or criminal damages.

When we cater your event:

Annemarie's Cuisine must have Liquor Liability Insurance when our bartenders are serving alcohol at your event. In effect, by serving alcohol it makes our staff part of "the establishment."

Our bartenders are trained:

  • to require valid ID to prove legal drinking age
  • to politely refuse serving alcohol to clearly intoxicated persons
  • to measure mixed drinks to avoid over indulging
  • to encourage use of designating drivers, taxis or Uber/Lift

Even if we don't cater your event:

As the host of the party, you can protect yourself from potential financial losses when you serve alcohol at your function by purchasing liquor liability insurance from us.

How much does it cost to cover our event with Annemarie's Cuisine Liquor Liability Insurance?

The cost will depend on how many people will be attending your event.  The cost of the insurance would be in addition to the costs for the bar tending staff.